Ptit Filou in works - 2011

Ptit Filou

We received new photos, not in great quantities but the others will come certainly soon...
The activity seems to have started again around Ptit Filou, a team works on the boat.
We have no very precise schedule but the delivery date is pushed away in the middle of August, this date will be confirmed before two weeks.
We shall have works to be realized by ourselfs, the inside's arrangement, the installation of the electronics and a little decoration according to what we shall find spot...
Our material, personal effects and safety equipment are at present on the way towards Sri Lanka in a container somewhere in the Red Sea, we wait for the agreement of the Boat Yard to send our pack NKE which requires special authorizations and which cannot be to send that by sea and let us hope that it'lll leave soon...
We also wait for the arrival of the tube of mast which conditions our intervention in Sri Lanka.
From July we could work on our boat, everything will depend on the progress... We are impatient and exited to organize our departure...

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  • #1

    Best Juicer (vendredi, 19 avril 2013 21:17)

    This particular article was in fact just what I was searching for!